The Reagent System Sp. z o.o. Company is mainly people and their experience. Our team works in the beautiful capital of Lower Silesia – this is no mere coincidence, as Wrocław for years has been recognised as credited chemistry development centre, where chemical faculties of the University of Wrocław and Wrocław University of Technology, as well as active pharmacy faculty of the Medical University and chemistry department of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, constitute as a strong foundation. In addition, Wrocław and its surroundings create a rapidly developing chemical industry centre. Thus, localising our Company’s headquarters in this place looked as the best solution. Partnership with science and industry is our key to success.

The Company’s main business activity is providing production and design services, optimising synthesis processes, and providing scientific and technical advisory in the field of widely understood chemistry and chemical processes in various industry sectors.
Our Company invests in research on new and optimised ways of manufacturing specialised chemical materials. Additionally, we sell selected chemical reagents (mainly for universities and scientific and research centres), as well as chemical raw materials for industrial plants from such sectors as chemical manufacture, pharmacy, cosmetic industry, and many others.